My Unpublished Novel
My Music
Tweets for Writers
The Alzabo Circle
Time Travellers
Panorama Mama
Prophecy #1
Robot in Distress

"Maybe some Goddess cursed you for making a pass at her or something; to keep doing the same stuff till you run out of variations" tried the teenager.

Nose ring had apparently had enough thinking time, so he came up with:

"An old flame of yours used to love this record and you vowed to sing nothing else until you found her again."

Nobody said anything for a while just sitting there sipping their brews until Aqualung asked:

"How about you my Lady, would you venture an alternative?"

"No I would not," answered the black haired Lady in a faint foreign accent, "your reasons are your own and I would be afraid to upset your plans. However, since everyone else offered you something, I will tell you this little story that, according to some people, has the answer to every question ever asked. It is a very old one, but perhaps some of you haven't heard it yet, so here it is: Once upon a time, a very long time ago, and far removed from this reality, there was One. After an immeasurable period of time, (time didn't seem to have any relevance in those days) it became aware that it was very lonesome. Wherever it looked, there was only One and no one else. So it decided to split, first into two, then into four, eight, sixteen and so on. And some of these splits became rocks and others, blades of grass and trees and grains of sand and stars and planets and you and me. But the sad loneliness was not completely banished because now, each of the splits seemed to be missing a part of themselves and most of them did not even know that something was wrong. Except that, they seemed to find each other once in a while, so the sadness could be forgotten for at least a little while.

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